Cost Segregation Study: An Investment that Boosts ROI

Cost Segregation Study: An Investment that Boosts ROI.- Cost Segregation Authority

Having a cost segregation analysis performed is the first step to leveraging the complex tax strategy that can unlock a potentially substantial sum of liquidity. Unfortunately, the complexity of the process can make it seem daunting. This has also given rise to a host of myths that surround the process, making many developers and investors […]

Sec 179D: Deduction for Energy Government Building Design

Sec 179D: Deduction for Energy Government Building Design.- Cost Segregation Authority

Under the section 179d tax deduction, certain taxpayers – including architects, developers, engineers, and construction companies – can qualify for a deduction of up to $1.80 per square foot for designing or building energy-efficient properties. One of the purposes of this potentially lucrative tax incentive, which was made permanent in late 2020, is to encourage […]